Achieve your dream body and a healthy relationship with food in 4 weeks time.

Access advice from a nutritionist, athlete and a former international bikini fitness champion.

Integrates physical fitness, a positive relationship with food, and boosted confidence for genuine and lasting transformation.

supportive community

Connect with other women going through the same process for extra support and motivation.




Achieve your dream body and a healthy relationship with food.

Access advice from a nutritionist, athlete and a former bikini fitness champion for personalised support.

Integrates mental and emotional well-being with physical health for true transformation.

supportive community

Connect with other women going through the same process for extra support and motivation.

Fit, Free and Fabulous online course

Experience a life changing journey with "Fit, Free and Fabulous" - an online course designed specifically for women looking to break free from restrictive diets and cultivate a positive and balanced relationship with food, while creating a fit body they feel totally IN LOVE with.

Created by an expert in nutrition and fitness training, this program offers a holistic approach to wellness that focuses on inner transformation alongside physical progress.

Through 40+ engaging lessons, e-book guides, supporting materials, 70+ recipes, assignments and community interactions, you will learn to embrace total food freedom, self-love, and develop sustainable fitness habits. You will achieve a healthier mindset towards nourishment and exercise, so that you can FINALLY truly feel confident in your own skin, you can eat the food you want to eat, and you can wear the clothes you *actually* want to wear!

Join us today and unleash your potential to become the fittest version of yourself, free from dieting constraints, and FABULOUS inside out!

I want this now

THE ULTIMATE GUIDE to create a fitter body and a healthy and balanced relationship with food as a woman

get it now

"I'm Antoneta, I'm 44 years old, turning 45 soon. About 2 years ago, my body began to change in an unknown and unpleasant way for me - pre-menopause. I started looking for help everywhere - a GP, the Internet. And then I discovered Yana. She helped me so much to get a really healthy relationship with food! Yana helped me stop feeling guilty when my body needs something that is considered "bad food" - like chocolate or ice cream. I also learned patience, progress takes time and a lot of work. When I saw my "before and after" photos, everything fell into place. THANK YOU." 

"The course is really great! I got better at accepting my body, and nourishing it. I feel less guilt when eating something high in calories or with sugar. I've also improved on listening to my hunger cues and learned how to understand what my body needs!"

"I'm Nadia, 42 years old from Belgium. I'm so glad that I participated the Fit, Free and Fabulous course! It made me realise that you don't have to feel guilty about eating. I learnt how to listen to my body. The workout plan in the course is also great. I have put it in the app, so I can follow my progress!"




"Life-changing program!"

"If I hadn't followed the course, I would still be SO insecure, I would still have a horrible relationship with food.... and look at me now - a proud middle-aged woman! (age has never defined me, haha) But I REALLY like myself now, thanks to Yana!"

Client's 4-week transformation

Empowering women through food freedom

Transformative Program for a Balanced Lifestyle, Body & Relationship with Food

For the woman who is stuck in a cycle of diets, body shame, and self-doubt. This course will help you build a sustainable routine around food and sport that boosts your energy, confidence, and love for your body. Break free from the guilt and binge-restrict cycles, and discover how to enjoy food without shame. Step into your true power, reconnect with your body, and become the radiant, self-assured woman you were meant to be.

This is for you if:

✓ You crave a healthy and balanced relationship with food
✓ You have tried a million diets but you fail to stick to them because you just love food
✓ You want to become fitter and to feel more confident in your skin
✓ You are tired of feeling hungry, unmotivated and insecure in your own skin
✓ You crave total food freedom while having a body you feel amazing in

This course is NOT for you if you if you want to count calories and diet for the rest of your life.

start now

What you will find in the course:

40+ videos full of insights and information together with weekly assignments, e-book guides, support materials, 70+ delicious recipes, workout programs and a mobile app - to help you become fit, free and fabulous in just 4 weeks time.

I want this now

Educational videos:


Workout program (gym and home workout version)

Support materials,
e-books and guides

An amazing community

A mobile app version of the course!

70+ delicious

You will achieve TOTAL food freedom and a fitter body in 3 phases:


You will learn what intuitive eating is and understand the basics of nourishing your body without dieting, counting calories or macros, or experiencing hunger. You will also get the knowledge and tools to transform your body while building a better relationship with food. Additionally, you will receive assignments and a workout program for both at-home and gym settings.

A fitter looking body while she eats whatever she wants, whenever she wants, without dieting,
without hunger and without restricting food.


You will learn how to build balanced meals that are delicious, nutritious, and satisfying. You will discover how to completely eliminate your cravings, overcome food guilt, understand when you're hungry and when you're full, and recover your relationship with food through various practices, tips, and tools provided in this part of the module.


You will learn how to step into your feminine power and become a confident woman who is truly in love with herself! You will discover how to live according to your menstrual cycle, set the right goals and achieve them, and overcome setbacks along the way without giving up. You will unlock the divine feminine within you, so you can feel absolutely amazing in your own skin!

Transform your relationship with food and your body

Achieve food freedom and reach your fitness goals in just 4 weeks

Say goodbye to restrictive diets and hello to a sustainable healthy lifestyle

Transform your body, mind, and relationship with food in just one month

start now

I want this now

What other people say:

"I find the course easy to use and navigate. I like that the videos are cut into bite size chunks, it makes them easy to watch, rewatch the ones you feel you need to get back to and doesn't overwhelm. The videos are easy to understand, simple language, simple action steps (not easy but presented in a simple and clear way). Yana is very friendly, approachable, and also really knowledgeable."

join and become the next success story

Do not wait any longer, start your journey towards a healthier you today. Embrace food freedom and become your fittest self!

"The course has a good structure, it's easy to use, nice layout! I really like that you can also add your own notes to the videos."

"This course has made a huge difference for me! I can now eat ice-cream or chocolate or other higher calorie things, especially right before I get my period. It is SO liberating! I work a lot, I also workout hard, thanks to this course I now know that this is enough. And yes, the scale has also finally dropped as well. I will continue living like this for the rest of my life!"

"It's SO liberating! I will continue living like this for the rest of my life!"

Beautiful words

Desislava, 34 years old

Before I started working with Yana, I was physically and mentally unhappy - I was physically tired, I had no energy and motivation to do something different in my daily life, I wasn’t getting enough sleep, and even though the scale showed the same kilos, I felt and looked bloated.

Mentally I was still afraid of how much pasta, rice, bread, pizza, chocolate cake or biscuits I would eat, so I always restricted myself from these things. The result was that I often lost control and overate these foods, and then I felt bloated and guilty for not being strict enough. 

After working with Yana, I became more energetic and I have a new incentive to train - to have a healthy body. I give my body what it wants, I don't blame myself and I don't regret it if I eat chocolate, pasta or pizza. I sleep well. I don't feel bloated, my relationship with food is better, I don't overeat on sweets, even on the healthy ones. 

I decided to work with Yana because she is friendly, smiling and positive. I follow her on social media and I really like the content she provides. 

I love the recipes in her e-book. I have tried many of them and I would say that they are very tasty and quick to prepare, I can cook them all the time and I will never get tired of them. 

I had no doubts about the coaching, and I was sure I would succeed. I liked the fact that she would stay supportive with me when I happened to not exercise or when I ate a piece of cake, and she taught me to continue with my plan and not to starve myself or compensate for the piece of cake I had just eaten. 

What I like the most is that she filled me with positive energy, and when I had questions she was always there for a meeting. Yana improved my relationship with food, made me a happier person physically and mentally. I would recommend her to others because she is a very knowledgeable, cheerful and positive person and she would help others for sure! Nowadays, people like her are few and far between. Once again thank you, Yana!

Pavlina, 25 years old

At the beginning of our work together I was feeling pretty lost and disappointed with myself. I found it difficult to stick to a routine and I was blaming my surroundings and myself for this. Yana, with a personal approach, helped me to switch my point of view which led to many positive outcomes in my life and health overall. She was pointing out things to me which I didn't notice, and that was really beneficial to me. I chose her because I felt like she understood me and my struggles in health and fitness. I hadn’t really worked with coaches that much before and I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. I liked that even when my life was so hectic at some points and I forgot to reach out to her she didn't forget me. I would recommend Yana to everybody who is tired of dieting and would like to shift their point of view.

Ilina, 22 years old

Mentally I was at a really bad place, especially when it came to food. A few years back I suffered from an eating disorder and even though I thought I had healed my relationship with food, I was wrong. I was counting calories on and off, binging on rare occasions, not being able to stop when I’m actually full, etc. Now, I can feel when I’m satisfied and stop even when there’s still food on my plate, which I’m very proud of! I decided to work with Yana as a couch because she seemed very friendly and super educated (both of which she really is). Maybe I was skeptical to some extent because I didn’t believe I’d be able to eat intuitively. That seemed like a dream to me, but Yana proved me wrong and made it a reality for me! The most unique thing during the coaching was noticing how my body reacts to different meals, my unhealthy patterns and learning to eat intuitively. Thank you immensely for this, Yana! I would recommend Yana’s coaching because I believe she is able to help anybody through her knowledge and ability to clearly explain patterns/problems/solutions. She is very sunny and I think it would be a pleasure for everyone to work with her!