Feed Your Dream Body 1-1 Coaching program

1:1 coaching

Watch this video for details and full information about the Feed Your Dream Body 1:1 coaching program. 

Are you an active female who has realized that counting every single calorie and macronutrient isn’t sustainable for the rest of your life, and you want to develop a more balanced relationship with food, but you just don’t know HOW? There is a way to quit dieting forever and to maintain your fit body, while having TOTAL FOOD FREEDOM.

With my 1:1 coaching program I help sporting women and female athletes who are always on a diet, restricting their calories and being obsessed with macros, to master intuitive eating and to reach total food freedom while keeping their fit body for the rest of their lives.

If you are ready to stop dieting forever and to finally be able to eat whatever you want, whenever you want, without gaining weight, and while being the fittest and healthiest you’ve ever been, then schedule a FREE 1:1 consultation call with me.

Reach your dream body and keep it for the rest of your life without dieting, without hunger, and without restricting food.

Book a FREE 1:1 call with me

Do you recognize this?

✓ You always eat super healthy and you do sports regularly, but you still experience bloating, low energy, lack of focus, irregular menstrual cycles, you even keep gaining weight… so you feel frustrated, disappointed, and you blame yourself for having no discipline.

✓ You are focused on food 99% of the time - at breakfast you think about what you’re going to have for lunch, at lunch you think about what you are allowed to have for dinner, at dinner you calculate how many calories you still have left for the day…so you are overwhelmed, anxious and tired of spending so much mental energy on food, every single day.

✓ You get nervous during social occasions where food is involved, because you can’t fit it within your macros, so you end up feeling sad and lonely, you refuse to go or you feel as if nobody understands you.

✓ You associate your self worth with your fat %, so every time you step on the scale you feel disappointed and sad.

You believe that you need to be a certain size in order to be considered “attractive” - both by yourself and by others.

You’ve been conditioned to believe that as an athlete, the only way to create a fit and strong body is by counting every single calorie and macronutrient. However, you’ve realized that this lifestyle is not sustainable and is very damaging to your quality of life in the long run. You’re frustrated because you want to have a fit body but you don’t want to be a slave to your diet forever.

You feel sadness and unfulfillment even though you have a fit body. You believe that you would always need to be in control of your food, otherwise you would gain weight. You lack focus at work and in your daily life because of the constant food-related thoughts.

I will help you become a fit and confident, strong feminine woman, who has mastered intuitive eating, who has a balanced lifestyle, who LOVES her body and the way it looks. A woman who is able to enjoy life to the fullest without any restrictions, and who feels energized, sexy, fit and attractive.

✓ You are an active woman or a (former) athlete who is disciplined, goal-driven, you train at least twice a week, you have a “no-excuses” mentality. 

✓ You’re currently dieting or counting calories and macros. 

✓ You crave having a normal relationship with food without constantly counting calories, but you don’t want to ruin your shape and gain endless amounts of fat. 

✓ You want to learn to enjoy all kinds of food without guilt, you want to learn how to understand your body’s hunger and fullness cues, you want to be able to enjoy social occasions around food, you want to maintain a fit and strong body.

✓ You feel stressed because you’re constantly focused on food.

✓ You experience bloating, PMS, low energy levels, weight gain, even though you count every single calorie.

This 1:1 coaching program is NOT for women who do not do any kinds of sports and are not interested in optimally nourishing their body.

"Enjoy life to the fullest without any restrictions and feel sexy, fit and energized"

I will help you become a fit and confident intuitive eater who has a balanced relationship with food, so that you can focus on living a fulfilling life without ever having to diet again.

Feel confident, sexy & strong!

Book a FREE 1:1 call with me

✓ Optimizing your habits around food so that your body gets all the nutrients it needs in order to function properly, so that you feel energized, rested, and focused.

✓ Improving the quality of your meals so that your cravings are reduced and eventually completely eliminated so that you never have to feel guilty for “snacking too much”.

✓ Optimizing your lifestyle habits - sleep, stress levels, daily routine, relaxation time, self care, social life so that you feel happy, fit and healthy.

✓ Addressing all aspects of your relationship with food (eating out, food guilt, fear of drinking liquid calories, etc.) and work on them in order for you to be able to enjoy your life to the fullest, without any restrictions.

✓ Bring out your femininity and address the way you show self love, so that you’re able to take better care of your body in the long run and can become a self confident, radiant, magnetic woman. 

✓ Learn how to eat intuitively so that you can maintain your fit body for the rest of your life, without dieting, without hunger and without restricting food.

What’s in the program:

Client's words

What is it like to be coached by me?

How did you experience the program?

Phase 1: Nutrition

✓ Improve your knowledge about food
✓ Have better structure around your meals
✓ Build the right habits when it comes to food

Phase 2: Lifestyle

✓ Adopt an optimal workout routine
✓ Improve all lifestyle factors (sleep, stress, self-care)
✓ Improve your social life

Phase 3: Mindset

✓ Learn how to honor your femininity (& menstrual cycle)
✓ Show self love & self acceptance
✓ Build confidence

Book your FREE 1:1 call now

The investment

One time payment of 1997,- for 12 weeks

send me an email

I will help you become a fit and confident, strong feminine woman, who has mastered intuitive eating, who has a balanced lifestyle, who LOVES her body and the way it looks. A woman who is able to enjoy life to the fullest without any restrictions, and who feels energized, sexy, fit and attractive.

2 terms
of 999,-

Let's go

3 terms payment
of 667,-

Let's go

You will also receive the following for FREE as a BONUS:

Feed Your Dream Body e-book FOR FREE

12 weeks worth of weekly grocery lists with all the ingredients you need to make breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for 12 weeks plus more than 30 recipes.

12 weeks worth of weekly grocery lists

Support call 1 month after the end of the coaching program.

A free support call 1 month after the coaching

Plan your free 1:1 consultation call

worth €97

worth €97

worth €197

Answer 1

The program takes 3 months.

Answer 2

You will get a total of 8 1:1 sessions with me during the 3 months of coaching. There will be a kick off session where we will discuss your past history of dieting and your goals. During the first month of coaching you will get a weekly session of 45 minutes where we will discuss your progress, set new goals, and you will be able to ask me your questions. During the second and third month of coaching we will do a 1:1 session once every 2 weeks. 

Answer 3

Once you schedule your free consultation call with me, we can start immediately. 

Answer 4

No, it is indeed a FREE discovery call which is not included in the package, you get it as a bonus.

Beautiful words

Desislava, 34 years old

Before I started working with Yana, I was physically and mentally unhappy - I was physically tired, I had no energy and motivation to do something different in my daily life, I wasn’t getting enough sleep, and even though the scale showed the same kilos, I felt and looked bloated.

Mentally I was still afraid of how much pasta, rice, bread, pizza, chocolate cake or biscuits I would eat, so I always restricted myself from these things. The result was that I often lost control and overate these foods, and then I felt bloated and guilty for not being strict enough. 

After working with Yana, I became more energetic and I have a new incentive to train - to have a healthy body. I give my body what it wants, I don't blame myself and I don't regret it if I eat chocolate, pasta or pizza. I sleep well. I don't feel bloated, my relationship with food is better, I don't overeat on sweets, even on the healthy ones. 

I decided to work with Yana because she is friendly, smiling and positive. I follow her on social media and I really like the content she provides. 

I love the recipes in her e-book. I have tried many of them and I would say that they are very tasty and quick to prepare, I can cook them all the time and I will never get tired of them. 

I had no doubts about the coaching, and I was sure I would succeed. I liked the fact that she would stay supportive with me when I happened to not exercise or when I ate a piece of cake, and she taught me to continue with my plan and not to starve myself or compensate for the piece of cake I had just eaten. 

What I like the most is that she filled me with positive energy, and when I had questions she was always there for a meeting. Yana improved my relationship with food, made me a happier person physically and mentally. I would recommend her to others because she is a very knowledgeable, cheerful and positive person and she would help others for sure! Nowadays, people like her are few and far between. Once again thank you, Yana!

Pavlina, 25 years old

At the beginning of our work together I was feeling pretty lost and disappointed with myself. I found it difficult to stick to a routine and I was blaming my surroundings and myself for this. Yana, with a personal approach, helped me to switch my point of view which led to many positive outcomes in my life and health overall. She was pointing out things to me which I didn't notice, and that was really beneficial to me. I chose her because I felt like she understood me and my struggles in health and fitness. I hadn’t really worked with coaches that much before and I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. I liked that even when my life was so hectic at some points and I forgot to reach out to her she didn't forget me. I would recommend Yana to everybody who is tired of dieting and would like to shift their point of view.

Ilina, 22 years old

Mentally I was at a really bad place, especially when it came to food. A few years back I suffered from an eating disorder and even though I thought I had healed my relationship with food, I was wrong. I was counting calories on and off, binging on rare occasions, not being able to stop when I’m actually full, etc. Now, I can feel when I’m satisfied and stop even when there’s still food on my plate, which I’m very proud of! I decided to work with Yana as a couch because she seemed very friendly and super educated (both of which she really is). Maybe I was skeptical to some extent because I didn’t believe I’d be able to eat intuitively. That seemed like a dream to me, but Yana proved me wrong and made it a reality for me! The most unique thing during the coaching was noticing how my body reacts to different meals, my unhealthy patterns and learning to eat intuitively. Thank you immensely for this, Yana! I would recommend Yana’s coaching because I believe she is able to help anybody through her knowledge and ability to clearly explain patterns/problems/solutions. She is very sunny and I think it would be a pleasure for everyone to work with her!